
Cry for help

Well, well, well...
It has been a long day. I left my job almost 1 hour ago, I really thought I'd have some time to finally rest my feet, but...NOOOO!!!!
My Advanced 2 students need help. As a responsible teacher, here I am to help them. In spite of telling them to work on their writing skills since early June, I am here again to give them a last chance to practice their reported speech abilities. But this last chance has a price: If I am sacrificing some of my free time to post here, you students must sacrifice some time to write: you have until Saturday 4pm to send me an email to thetimeoutproject2011@gmail.com with your reported speeches. I won't correct them if they came later than that...remember: No pain, No gain.

Your job is to observe the comic strip below and report:
Who were they?
Where were they?
What were they talking about?

When you report, remember to use some:
Side comments about the place
Side comments about the subjects of the story

Bear in mind that reporting is about DESCRIBING, EXPLAINING, NARRATING.

Now, concentrate, analyse the comic strip and get to work!

Don't forget to calculate the minutes...you should not spend more than 20 minutes to report ok?
Good Luck, see you all next week!

2 comentários:

  1. Carla Corrêa Offshore Wise-up Icaraí22 de julho de 2011 às 13:07

    Despite my lots of mistakes, thanks for the opportunity. I expect for the next experiment. Cheers!

  2. Hello! I'm here!
    I just sent my report to you.
    See you later...
