

Wassup people!!! Sorry for being away for such a long time, my other blogs have been taking most of my time, but now i'm back, and back for good!
I don't know if you know but teachers never have only one job. We need to jump from one place to another in order to make a decent amount of money by the end of the month, so we spend a lot of time driving from one neighborhood to another, trying to find places to park, showing the finger to people, etc...
Because of that, I 've come up with the idea of shooting short videos with my cellphone while I'm driving...sort of a therapy...in english! The name of this therapy is:

Once a week I'll post a video here for your delight and enlightment! The first Episode is just a teaser to what will come next! 
Don't miss the next episodes and the opportunities to enhance your english skills with real life situations, check my blog during the week, on weekends...in the bathroom, wherever and whenever you feel confortable!

2 comentários:

  1. Carla Corrêa offshore Wiseup Icaraí21 de julho de 2011 às 14:56

    Well men... I really enjoy your experiment!!! I understood everything you said and I agree with english fluency necessity mostly at advanced level. So.. keep going with us, helping with our language enhancement.

  2. Thank you Carla for such a positive feedback!!!
    I hope you keep posting and following the blog, even if you're far away!
    Take care!
    ps:men (plural) man (singular) little typing mistake I bet!
