
Just a little break from the videos!

Good afternoon guys,
today we're going to interrupt the sequence of videos we have been posting for a quick exercise with comics!
We are currently editing and shooting the next episodes of CHRONICLES FROM MY COCKPIT & CHRONICLES FROM MY KITCHEN, so don't worry, we have a lot of videos still to be posted, and a new one will be posted very soon!!!
But now let's go back to the comic strips: To celebrate the big number of visitors we have, we're going to post a strip from CYANIDE and HAPPINESS, the first comic ever to appear here!!!

Take a look at this new strip:

This comic strip is very funny and it gives us the nice opportunity to explore an interesting characteristic of MODAL VERBS + PERFECT...If you pay attention, you can see the combination of the modal verb MUST plus HAVE BEEN (present perfect). What does it mean? 
Guys, MUST is a modal verb for OBLIGATION and ASSUMPTION remember? in this case here, MUST + Perfect expresses a past assumption: "it must have been my good twin"means = I believe, I have the impression, it was my good brother, my good twin. 
When we associate MUST + Perfect, we always have a PAST ASSUMPTION, something you're not sure, not 100% certain that has happenend, but you believe it has...got it? If you have doubts, please, send  us emails: thetimeoutproject2011@gmail.com

Cheers, see you next post with a new video,
if not mine (Gustavo), hers (Fran).

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