

Good morning people!
Today we have prepared something for INTERMEDIATE and ADVANCED students who want to practice DEFENDING POINTS OF VIEW and EXPRESSING OPINIONS.
We have some interesting and polemic videos for you! Watch and analyse them, send us your text expressing your ideas, we will correct it for you!
Family Guy is an adult cartoon, they often talk about very polemic issues...this short video proposes a debate about religion and its importance. What do you think about religion, is it something that positive or an opium for society, as Marx used to say?
South Park is one of the most polemic cartoons ever! This edited video is about evolution...The teacher is a creationist (he believes we came from Adam and Eve) but he has to teach Darwin's theory of evolution...What's your point of view about that?
This video here is special: Homer's evolution process. It took him thousands and thousands of years to become a "couch potato"! Is this video some sort of criticism? Can you feel or extract criticism from it?
This one is a must! If you haven't identified criticism with the Simpsons, Pearl Jam's videoclip above will expose it obviously!
Do you agree that we're walking toward our death?

Have fun and remember, you still have 3 days (today included) to send us your video for the OPEN CHRONICLES CONTEST! Don't miss this opportunity!!!

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