
Verb Forms

Cyanide & Happiness give us not only a wonderful display of fun but also the opportunity to explore different verb forms and how they´re supposed to be used!

Since this is my first post, I'll set the record straight right from the beginning: I'll never ever feed you with answers, my intentions will always be related to the idea of extracting them from you. Therefore, I'll give you two days to comment with answers and questions, and then I'll post the detailed explanations about the comic strip english features ok?

So here we go:

1 - Try to identify all the verb forms used;
2 - Try to explain the reason why they have been selected;
3 - Explore unknown vocabulary and find synonyms.

REMINDER: NEVER USE ENGLISH-PORTUGUESE dictionaries. If possible, avoid all of them, even ENGLISH-ENGLISH! Force yourself to think! We need thinkers here, not doers!

Have fun, i'll post the explanations in two or three days!

Um comentário:

  1. Hi there, Gus! Congrats on the blog. Not only cool but also useful to help people deal with the language in a smooth and natural way.

