
Analysing Graphs

Hello guys!!! It`s been a long time since the last time I posted here...I know...but work was consuming most of my time! Anyway... Today I`m here to motivate you to analyse statistical data. There are several interesting techniques to use and various strategies to present your conclusions.
You`re probably thinking that I`ll post the techniques here...nope! not yet! Since I`m a not a "spoon-feed" kind of teacher, I`m posting the graph I want you to analyse and in three days i`m back here to post the suitable techniques...
So, let's get to it?

This is the graph I`d like you to analyse:

Real Madrid is one of the most powerful football clubs in Europe and around the planet. Pay attention to all the details and post your impressions and possible conclusions! If yo don`t feel confortable to publish your ideas in english, send them to me by email: guggabrito32@gmail.com

See ya in three days!!

4 comentários:

  1. Well people,
    I have received some nice feedback from some of you out there about this post, and I can say I'm very glad to see that some of my students have really dedicated some spare time to study the graph and extract the important messages!
    So I won't take long here, I'll just expose some of the steps most of you know about how to analyse graphs in general:

    STEP 1 - Gather DATA: Check all the informations, take notes about them, try to create a list of the most important data and the least ones. Pay attention to number of variables, the objective is to grasp "what is this graph trying to present?"
    STEP2 - Analyse the information gathered previously, look for contrasts, gaps, and opposing stats. The most interesting thing on a graph is the contrast or the idea of change over time, so pay attention to these details!
    STEP 3 - Present your conclusions and root it on the average numbers, root it on rational argumentation. A graph is a pictoric version of an argument. Try to simplify your presentation, so your conclusion will be understood as simply as a graph!

  2. Hi Gustavo,
    Thank you for helping us to analize a graph. I was really worried about the oral test. By the way, your blog is amazing.....

  3. Hello, Gustavo,

    This is the most important topic for us(students) and helped me a lot in my Work. Congratulation for this project.

  4. Congratulations for the initiative, the idea was wonderful! Well, about the graph, I can say that most of money which Real receives it's from Broadcasting, and in 2009 the team received more money than before...
    Moreover, the period of 2006-2007 the Real account suffered a significant growth of money.

