

Good morning people! Today is very special for me...
It's my last day as a WISE UP teacher and I've decided to post about it! I have been their teacher for more than 3 years and I've never hidden from anyone the most beautiful and the most terrible moments there! It was not always easy, there were days I thought I would kill someone, but I ended up solving most of the problems and overcoming bizarre situations. There were also fantastic days, most of them with fantastic workmates, friends who helped me, teased me and also annoyed me (it's sometimes necessary, I know). I'll never forget the training with many teachers and my future friends Louie, Dani (in Puerto Rico now, married and happy) and Chris (this one has vanished somehow, he's maybe back to his Netherlands), or the day I was hired...Throughout the years, I've met various teachers who were part of my routine, some of those were memorable, like Carol, Little Carol, Victor, Cinthia... some were even better, like Henry, Erica, Beatrix, Walter, Jackie... and some are more than special, like Fran (my sis!), Sann (my nephew!), Sam, Louie (my good brother!), Letícia, Tereza, Rafael, Lulu (my niece!), Sandra, Nathalia and Laís!

Jamais esqueceria das muitas outras pessoas que passaram pela Wise Up e que me ajudaram, com coisas pequenas e grandes, tais como as meninas da recepção, administração e operacional: Danne Levy, Raquel, Priscila, Yanna, Bete, Lud, Lidiane, Cláudia (vulgo Cráudia), Mayra, Helena, Patrícia e Cristina. Além delas, ressalto com enorme prazer a amizade, a camaradagem e os papos de futebol com o grande Ale!

Agradeço também ao franqueado, Jorge Américo, o já folclórico "J", pela oportunidade que me foi dada, sou grato e não me esquecerei.

Para fechar com chave de ouro (with golden keys, como já diria minha coordenadora), exibo em primeira mão o vídeo da entrega das minhas últimas provas corrigidas na WISE UP! Espero que gostem, take a look:

Não vou dizer que é um "até breve", pois se tomei a decisão de sair, foi para me dedicar aos meus projetos pessoais e profissionais, mas vou dizer que Niterói é uma cidade pequena, que não me custará muito passar para um "oi" e para marcar uma cerveja, ou pizza, aqui e acolá.

Thank you for everything,
stay tuned to THE TIME OUT PROJECT, I will be here full time!

Cheers, abraços,

Gustavo Caldas Brito

4 comentários:

  1. Youre the best. Simple like that! Were gonna miss you. Good luck, buddy!

  2. Uncle!! I know I've already told you that but I AM going to (for emphasis) miss you SO BAD. I know we are going to get together for beers and stuff but it's not gonna be the same thing as having you by our sides everyday. Seriously, I wish you only the best things both at professional and personal lives. I wish ( and I'm sure this is gonna happen) you get the best things from your new projects (and that includes your marriage!!).
    I know it was a short time but you really inspired me (and all of our workmates, I'm sure) to be better teachers and better people.
    Oh... and I look forward to having more musical challenges and beer chats at the gas station (or wherever).

    Keep in touch (from Basic I "ways of opening or closing conversations')

    Yours faithfully (from Basic II "closing letters".... if I'm not mistaken),

    Yout niece Lulu.

  3. Thank you girls!
    You're the best too!
    I've learned a lot from you and I have no doubts it's gonna be awkward not to wake up every morning to go to Wise Up, but life goes on... I hope I can manage to achieve my personal and professional goals and I count on you to help me (I started taking this blog seriously when you, Sandra, told me you wouldn't suggest it if there were cursing...Thanks for this wonderful tip!).
    Thank your for the kind words, it was a pleasure to work and kid around with you! Let's keep in touch for sure!

  4. Teacher,
    I would also like to place on record my admiration for the excellent professional you are. Words fail me in English, but did not want to say that my first in WiseUp with many faults.. because of travel I was very motivating because of their teaching and demand results.
    Congratulations, because you are an excellent teacher! It seems like much of what does and that is contagious.
    Good luck in your choices and see you soon.
    I hope to meet you to talk about the news in English ..... please.
    Happy new year
    Elizabeth in Basic II now!!!! elizabeth.albuquerque@yahoo.com.br
