
thank you FRAN and SANN!

Good evening everybody!
Tonight is a very different night. Our blog is going under reconfiguration, we are preparing a lot of nice surprises for you to enjoy in 2012 and we expect you to stay with us next year!

2012 brings a lot of changes and with big changes come big responsibilities and big losses too...

You may have noticed that our co-authors, FRAN SARTOR and SANN WYLL, no longer have their photos here. It doesn't mean they're not co-authors anymore, it just means they're going to participate in our posts less frequently, sometimes, now and then, whenever they have the time to it! ;)

FRAN has her personal projects and many different activities going on. As the author of the TIME OUT PROJECT, I was feeling bad for making her even busier than she is, so now, as an occasional co-author, she'll have more time to produce and will not feel pressured to deliver! hehehehehe!

SANN is a young teacher at WISE UP and his professional and personal obligations keep him busy for most of the time. He's also dedicating his time to professional growth and I felt it would be unfair of me to demand posts or videos from him when he is in such an important moment of his life....I am sure that, as an occasional partner, his productions and posts will be even better, because they'll be produced whenever he can and not under pressure!!!!ahahaha!

FRAN and SANN are much more than co-authors for me, they're my SISTER and my NEPHEW, my good friends and brilliant co-workers! I hope they keep producing here with me, posting videos, sharing ideas and making me feel lucky to have them onboard!

Thank you guys, I hope we can record many CHRONICLES FROM MY KITCHEN with FRAN SARTOR and CHRONICLES FROM MY SHAVING CREAM with SANN WYLL in 2012!



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