

Hello people!
You are probably wondering what is this title about...We have taken it from Garcia Marquez (Crônica de uma morte anunciada)!
The reason why we took it as a title for our post is because today we are going to talk about our OPEN CHRONICLES CONTEST.
We have given you, STUDENTS, TEACHERS and FRIENDS, two weeks to send us videos, talking about features of english grammar. The objective was to give you the chance to expose your qualities, your problems, and to share information. 
Unfortunately, the only video we got was this one, take a look:
We can't say we are sad or frustrated just because we haven't received videos from you. It was kind of expected. We know how hard it is to record videos, how difficult it is to find time to do it and how shyless you need to be in order to expose yourself like that. All in all, we had what we wanted: FEEDBACK.
Negative feedback for some, Positive for others.
We hope you can commit next time and come participate with us in future contests or activities!
Have a nice week!


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