

Hello people!
While we wait for our co-author Sann Wyll to post the new video from his new CHRONICLES, we have decided to post this long video by TED. We have highlighted how good is this website and today, Ken Robinson explains how creativity can be murdered by schools! It is almost 20 minutes, but really interesting so we suggest you watch it!

If you prefer to watch it with english subtitles, go to the link below:
there are subtitles avaiable in 51 languages!

It is impressive how our schools stigmatize mistakes, how mistakes are understood in our society...Ken Robinson inspires us to think about "TAKING A GO", "TAKING RISKS", because if we don't take risks, we never come up with ANYTHING ORIGINAL!
So take risks, if you don't know, TRY! Don't go running to dictionaries. THINK, ASSOCIATE WORDS, INVENT! Don't kill your creativity and don't let schools do it!

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