

Good evening guys!
As you may have noticed, this last month things got slower here at THE TIME OUT PROJECT...We have been working a lot to prepare many surprises and new video series for you to study, so we are saving the posts for a better moment. However, we will continue posting here, as frequently as possible, so keep visiting us! We will have a retrospective week with many videos about VERB FORMS and MODAL VERBS, so if you are going to have tests by the end of the year, stay tuned!
Today we keep looking at FLUENCY. I have prepared this animation for you to understand what kind of ingredients you need to develop a good level of fluency. If you need help with different exercises and some state-of-art techniques to learn english, don't hesitate! Send us an email: thetimeoutproject2011@gmail.com

Take a look at the animation:

REMEMBER: THE TIME OUT PROJECT is also an ENGLISH COURSE! We are preparing the SCHEDULE for 2012 and if you're interested in PRIVATE or SMALL GROUP CLASSES, contact us by email or call us! The phone number is on the top of our BLOG!

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