

What's up guys??
December is coming and with it many students will be tested in english. Today, our post is an opportunity for INTERMEDIATE students who are desperate because of MODAL VERBS!

The most famous are CAN & COULD
Check the video:

WOULD is a modal verb that expresses hypothetical situations,
it is a reference to something ideal but not real...
Let's watch the video?

If you are looking for a modal verb to give suggestions, SHOULD is the perfect one for you, since it expresses ADVICE!
The video gives you another chance to understand it:

Next Thursday I will post more videos about MODAL VERBS for INTERMEDIATE students! Stick around!!!


ENGLISH vs EMBROMATION - Featuring Mr. Adriano Rougemont!

Good afternoon everybody!!!
We have been talking about fluency lately and today we continue discussing the topic...But in a very different way!
THE TIME OUT PROJECT 2011 is pleased to feature ADRIANO ROUGEMONT, also known as the "Brazilian Ewok"drunk and singing JEREMY, from the grunge band PEARL JAM!
Why did I decide to post it? Well, first of all, I laugh my ass off listening to it. Secondly, it reminds us of how important it is not to EMBROMATE, but how nice it is to try to imitate the sounds and the intonation! Finally, ADRIANO's bizarre interpretation helps us understand how important it is to dedicate time to learning english properly!
Check it out:




Good evening guys!
As you may have noticed, this last month things got slower here at THE TIME OUT PROJECT...We have been working a lot to prepare many surprises and new video series for you to study, so we are saving the posts for a better moment. However, we will continue posting here, as frequently as possible, so keep visiting us! We will have a retrospective week with many videos about VERB FORMS and MODAL VERBS, so if you are going to have tests by the end of the year, stay tuned!
Today we keep looking at FLUENCY. I have prepared this animation for you to understand what kind of ingredients you need to develop a good level of fluency. If you need help with different exercises and some state-of-art techniques to learn english, don't hesitate! Send us an email: thetimeoutproject2011@gmail.com

Take a look at the animation:

REMEMBER: THE TIME OUT PROJECT is also an ENGLISH COURSE! We are preparing the SCHEDULE for 2012 and if you're interested in PRIVATE or SMALL GROUP CLASSES, contact us by email or call us! The phone number is on the top of our BLOG!



Good morning everyone!!!
First of all, I'd like to apologize for being absent lately, the last months of 2011 have been crazy for me, with plenty to do, so I was away from the blog for a week or two. But I'm back, and today I'm back with a question: IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT?
This is for all of you, english students seeking for the HOLY GRAIL:
The next videos expose different levels of it, choose the one you want and study for it!

have fun!!!!!!!


Teaching kids...

Hello again guys!
I am back here to talk to you about some recent experiences I'm going through lately: TEACHING KIDS!
Most of you know me teaching adults, but I also teach 7 to 11 year-old kids (boys and girls)...both English and French.
I had to prepare totally different strategies to make my teaching work with them and one of the videos that inspired me was this one here:
As a teacher and as a future father (god knows when, but it'll happen one day), I'm concerned about how to reach kids, because
if I can manage it, I can manage pretty much everything!
If you have kids or if you are a teacher out there, looking for tips, don't forget to become a follower of our blog here or to follow TED.COM!
Thank you and have a nice weekend!!!!